Tossals Verds
The vegetation on this estate is remarkably diverse, with holm-oak woods and mountain garrigue as well as numerous endemic species. The most remarkable examples of the ethnological and architectural heritage are the houses, huts, charcoal furnaces, lime kilns, cisterns, ice houses and stone edges. Many of these elements have been restored, and the old olive groves are being recovered. A shelter with 30 places offers bed and board and is open all year round (closed for building work at present). Managed by the Consell de Mallorca (Island Council).
Surface area: 578 ha
Location: In the municipality of Escorca. The estate can be reached from Lloseta, by following the Ma-2110 road to Clot d’Almedrà, where you can park your car and continue on foot for around 30 minutes to reach the shelter.
Serra de Tamuntana Consortium
General Riera, 113, Palma
(+34) 971 219 735